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Winter 2001: Defence And Identities: A Global Securitarian Context?
The Military Response of the "War Against Terrorism" and its Stakes (PDF, 14 pages, 45.7 KB) , by Didier Bigo
This article aims at putting into question the American military response, as a war against terrorism, and at consequently analysing the implications of such a choice. Didier Bigo shows how war against terrorism is a dangerous incantatory and ritual formula if efficiency towards the enemy is more important than law and ethics. In this sense the risk is to enter into a mimetic rivalry in which everything is permitted as long as the enemy does it, and to develop, as a consequence, a judicial arsenal for exceptional measures and the legitimisation of inhuman practices (arbitrary detentions, torture…). Is the coercive option against terrorism the only possible one? Didier Bigo answers negatively to this question by developing the risks of confusion between defence and security, of putting into balance defence and security while pretending that breaking into one of them for the profit of the other will not profoundly modify our societies.
Is Terrorism a Defence Threat? (PDF, 44 pages, 126.9 KB) , by Christian Chocquet
Where does a defence threat start and end? The author of this contribution, a General of the French Gendarmerie, analyses the judicial stakes of qualifying terrorist acts and shows how the extension of the threat spectrum tends to produce a dangerous amalgam. Is terrorism, in this respect, a defence threat? The author goes through the literature on the subject and suggests a critical reading of the all-coercive option that is chosen to the detriment of an analysis of the causes of transnational violence.
The Organisation of Anti-terrorism in the United State (PDF, 12 pages, 41.3 KB) , by Philippe Bonditti
Philippe Bonditti analyses the history and the dynamics of the American antiterrorism and highlights the bureaucratic and political logic of organisations fighting against terrorism to explain the dynamics of threat construction. The author shows how the structuration of the American antiterrorist services and the co-ordination procedures have reinforced competition between organisations to declare and fight terrorism.
New York: local symbol and global politics (PDF, 19 pages, 61.2 KB) , by Sophie Body-Gendrot
The author analyses the New York reactions to the terrorist attacks and shows when, why and how politicians were ready to seize the emotional impact opportunity to re-launch politics previously put aside or refused by analysing the position and speeches of Rudolph Giuliani, New York's mayor. The author furthermore discusses the equilibrium between security and liberty and highlights how cleavages can arise between citizens of a same city, as a consequence of the development of the mistrust of one's fellow man.
External Islam, Domestic Muslims, two Perspectives after September the 11th 2001 (PDF, 19 pages, 60.1 KB) , by Jocelyne Cesari
Jocelyne Cesari analyses the stakes of citizenship for practising Muslims, minorities and migrants and shows how the post September 11th profiling and suspicion dynamic can put into question the values of openness and integration that characterise the United States of America. The author shows in this article how the vision of security and the condition for dissociation between the Muslim from the inside and the political enemy have become stronger.
Terrorism, Immigration and Patriotism, identities under surveillance (PDF, 17 pages, 55.1 KB) , by Ayse Ceyhan
The attacks of September 11th have consequently established an association between terrorism and immigration and have favoured the idea of national security, which led to questioning the allegiance of citizens from a foreign origin towards the United-States. Ayse Ceyhan analyses the effects of the attacks on the image of the American multicultural identity. The author shows in this article that the fear of an infiltrated terrorism has become the main security preoccupation. Nevertheless, the quest for an increased surveillance of suspect individuals and groups and the measures that have been adopted are not new.
The Foreign Policy of the European Union and the Challenge of American Norms (PDF, 19 pages, 59.6 KB) , by Frédéric Charillon
How far can exceptionalism – in the name of a national threat, as invoqued by the American authorities – spread and last ? Frederic Charillon highlights that this question is no exclusive American question as its effects on anti terrorist policies are felt within the European Union as well. This first occured because the European States were eager to show their solidarity and then because the transnationalisation of violence acts in favour of a transnationalisation of anti terrorist policies as well as it reinforces the trans-Atlantic axis. Frederic Charillon insists on the difficulties for the European Union to find a specific policy.
After the Taleban: political fragmentation, hierarchy between communities and social classes in Afghanistan (PDF, 19 pages, 58.8 KB) , by Gilles Dorronsoro
What is happening in Afghanistan? After a long stay on the field for study, the author provides a clear and detailed explanation of the post Taleban stakes. Gilles Dorronsoro shows that that the American intervention generated a return of the 1990s political fragmentation. The author underlines the risks for the stability of the region because the intervention against the talebans offers new spaces for other radical groups. Furthermore, this intervention produces deep changes within the Afghani social equilibrums by priviledging a group rather than another and by changing the ethnical hierarchy.