American Diplomacy

American Diplomacy

Volume V, Number 3, 2000


Sam Huntington's view of the Cosmos


I just finished reading Samuel P. Huntington's Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order (1996). I was wondering what sort of reception Huntington's analysis of the new world order has received in subsequent years among the diplomatic community. Could you point me to any publications that provide a serious counterpoint to Huntington's views? Have the ideas presented in his work led to a general shift in the thinking of American foreign policy operatives?


I must confess I haven't read the book myself and so wouldn't presume to comment on how it's been received by others in the diplomatic community. Maybe it's time I did so! Meanwhile, let's put your letter in the "Letters from Readers" department and see whether our other readers have an opinion. ~Ed.