American Diplomacy

American Diplomacy

Volume IV, Number 1, 1999


Editor's Corner


In which he identifies by name and position the journal’s parent organization Board of Directors, with special reference to additions since the journal’s founding in 1996.


In this brief notice we apprise our readers of the membership of something slightly different: the full Board of Directors of American Diplomacy Publishers, or ADP, the parent organization of American Diplomacy. (ADP is a nonprofit corporation organized January 5, 1998, under the laws of North Carolina and formally recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.)

ADP’s overall policy guidance body as currently constituted includes the original nine Editorial Advisory Board members, dating back to 1996 when the first issue of American Diplomacy hit the Web stands, plus five distinguished individuals who have agreed subsequent to the journal’s founding to lend their names and support to our efforts in the Internet publishing field.

Following we list alphabetically the names and positions of the somewhat recent additions to the governing body of this journal:


It goes without saying, almost, that we on American Diplomacy take great pride and satisfaction from our association with the outstanding array of talent and experience which now makes up the full Board of Directors. Publisher Frank Crigler and I appreciate greatly the contributions of all of our associates and advisors. — Ed.