American Diplomacy

American Diplomacy

Volume I, Number 2, 1996


Public Opinion on Human Rights in American Foreign Policy (Part II)—Table 20

Correlations Between Assessment of Promoting and Defending Human Rights in Other Countries and Four Domestic Issues with a Human Rights Dimension in the 1984-1992 Foreign Policy Leadership Surveys

Correlations between the importance attached to the goal of "Promoting and defending human rights in other countries" and support for:

Year School busing Equal Rights Amendment Barring homosexual teachers Banning the death penalty
1984 .46 .43 -.35 .50
1988 .40 .40 -.37 .45
1992 .40 .40 -.37 .45

Coefficients are gamma.

Because the domestic policy questions were not included in the 1980 FPLP survey, correlations are not reported for that year.