American Diplomacy

American Diplomacy

Volume I, Number 2, 1996


Public Opinion on Human Rights in American Foreign Policy (Part II)—Table 18

Assessments of Domestic Policy Issues by Self-identified Ideological Preferences in the FPLP Surveys of U.S. Opinion Leaders, 1976-1992

"Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each statement."
[% Agree strongly + Agree somewhat]

  Year All Respondents Very Conservative Somewhat Conservative Moderate Somewhat Liberal Very Liberal
The freedom to dissent at home inhibits the effective conduct of U.S. foreign policy 1976 28 53 39 27 16 13
1980 27 44 36 25 16 10
1984 27 53 40 26 13 8
Busing children to achieve school integration 1984 37 4 12 33 65 85
1988 40 7 17 36 64 88
1992 38 6 14 37 60 79
Banning the death penalty 1984 33 4 11 19 59 78
1988 35 5 12 33 58 69
1992 33 4 12 25 58 80
Reviving the Equal Rights Amendment 1984 56 17 28 61 84 94
1988 55 19 31 55 81 93
1992 53 22 28 58 74 89
Barring homosexuals from teaching in public schools 1984 38 70 59 37 15 8
1988 33 75 51 30 12 6
1992 28 73 47 23 10 3
Differences significant at the .001 level for all items.