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P. Whitney Lackenbauer
St. Jerome’s University (University of Waterloo)
P. Whitney Lackenbauer, Ph.D., is associate professor and chair of the department of history at St. Jerome’s University (University of Waterloo). He is also co-director of the Emerging Arctic Security Environment project through ArcticNet, co-chair of the Munk School-Gordon Foundation Arctic Peoples and Security program, and a fellow with the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute, the Arctic Institute of North America, the Frost Centre for Canadian and Indigenous Studies, and the Laurier Centre for Military and Strategic Disarmament Studies. He has written or edited more than a dozen books and is a frequent commentator on Arctic sovereignty and security issues. His co-authored book Arctic Front: Defending Canada in the Far North won the 2009 Donner Prize for the best Canadian book on public policy. He was a Fulbright Fellow at the School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University in 2010 and a Canadian International Council Research Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation in 2008-09. Whitney’s current research includes histories of Arctic sovereignty and security policies and practices since the Second World War, Aboriginal-state relations, and contemporary circumpolar affairs. .
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