CIAO DATE: 01/2010
Volume: 13, Issue: 2
Fall/Winter 2009
International Journal of KOREAN STUDIES Volume XIII, Number 2 Fall/Winter 2009 (PDF)
U.S. Relations with other Powers on the Korean Peninsula
in the Global Financial Crisis
David C. Kang 1
The Republic of Korea and Its Four Regional Partners' Policies
Toward North Korea During the Global Financial Crisis
John E. Endicott 19
The Korea-U.S. Alliance in the Obama Era
Mel Gurtov 45
The U.S. and South Korea: Prospects for Transformation,
Combined Forces Operations, and Wartime Operation Control: Problems and Remedies
Bruce E. Bechtol 71
The U.S. and the Territorial Dispute on Dokdo/Takeshima between
Japan and Korea, 1945-1954
Hong Nack Kim 97
The Global Financial Crisis and U.S.-Korea Trade and Investment:
A Perspective
Dick K. Nanto 127