CIAO DATE: 08/2014
Volume: 7, Issue: 5
May 2014
A Profile of Ahrar-ul-Hind and Ansar-ul-Mujahidin in Pakistan (PDF)
IN THIS ISSUE A Profile of Ahrar-ul-Hind and Ansar-ul-Mujahidin in Pakistan Zia Ur Rehman Al-Hijra: Al-Shabab’s Affiliate in Kenya Fredrick Nzes Boko Haram and the Kidnapping of the Chibok Schoolgirls Jacob Zenn Kidnappings and Murders Targeting Foreigners in Libya Alison Pargeter Recent Highlights in Political Violence Sentinel Staff The British Foreign Fighter Contingent in Syria Raffaello Pantucci The ISIL’s Stand in the Ramadi-Falluja Corridor Michael Knights