Columbia International Affairs Online: Journals

CIAO DATE: 12/2010

Chronology of China-Russia Relations

Comparative Connections

A publication of:
Center for Strategic and International Studies

Volume: 12, Issue: 2 (July 2010)


Full Text

April 2, 2010: Gen. Ma Xiaotian, PLA deputy chief of staff and chairman of the China Institute for International Strategic Studies, meets Sergey Karaganov, president of the Foreign and Defense Policy Council of Russia, Nikolay Bordyuzha, secretary general of the Collective China-Russia Relations 145 July 2010 Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) who were visiting China for the 2nd Symposium on “China and Russia in New International Environment” in Beijing. April 6-8, 2010: Riots break out across Kyrgyzstan, leading to the ouster of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev. April 8, 2010: An interim coalition government is formed in Kyrgyzstan with Roza Otunbayeva as prime minister. April 14, 2010: President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin offer condolences to President Hu Jintao after a devastating earthquake of 7.1-magnitude hit China’s Qinghai province. April 15, 2010: Presidents Medvedev and Hu meet at the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) Summit in Brasilia ahead of the original schedule because Hu cut his short after the earthquake in China’s Qinghai Province. April 15-16, 2010: BRIC holds a two-day summit in Brasilia. Chinese President Hu Jintao attends only one day. Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo attends the second meeting of BRIC senior representatives on security issues. April 20-22, 2010: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexei Borodavki holds consultations in Beijing with Wu Dawei, China’s special representative on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, and Assistant Foreign Ministers Cheng Guoping, Hu Zhengyue and Liu Zhenmin. Borodavkin meets Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on April 22. April 22-23, 2010: The SCO Security Councils’ secretaries hold their fifth session in Tashkent. April 23, 2010: Russia refuses to grant the Dalai Lama an entry visa requested by Russia’s Association of Kalmyk Buddhists. April 26 & 30, 2010: The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry delivers two consignments of humanitarian cargo (weighing more than 65 tons, worth about 37 million rubles) to China’s Qinghai Province where a deadly earthquake caused severe damage. April 29, 2010: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin and Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui discuss in Moscow the situation in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. April 29, 2010: Russian Minister of Economic Development Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina meets Chinese Ambassador to Russia Li Hui in Moscow. They exchange views on how to deepen economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia. May 3-7, 2010: DPRK leader Kim Jong-il makes an unofficial visit to China. China-Russia Relations 146 July 2010 May 8-9, 2010: President Hu Jintao visits Russia as the guest of President Medvedev for the ceremony marking the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Hu meets Prime Minister Putin on May 8 and President Medvedev the following day. May 10, 2010: Russkiy Newsweek releases a “secret” Russian government document “Program for Effective Utilization of Foreign Political Factors on a Systematic Basis for Purposes of Long-Term Development of the Russian Federation.” May 13, 2010: Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov states that Russia is ready to help settle the dispute between China and exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, and that Russia is interested in the “normalization in relations between Beijing and the Dalai Lama.” May 18-20, 2010: A Russian State Duma (Lower House) delegation, led by State Duma Chairman Boris Gryzlov, pays an official goodwill visit to China at the invitation of top Chinese legislator Wu Bangguo. Gryzlov meets President Hu and Vice President Xi Jinping. May 19, 2010: Chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov starts his seventh visit to China. He meets Vice President Xi and travels to Nanjing and then tours the World Expo in Shanghai. May 22, 2010: SCO foreign ministers meet in Tashkent to make preparations for the SCO Summit and discuss the situation in Kyrgyzstan. Foreign Minister Lavrov holds a brief working meeting with Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi. May 24-27, 2010: Viktor Ivanov, director of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service (FDCS) visits China. He meets Zhou Yongkang, member of the Permanent Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Meng Jianzhu, minister of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China. They discuss trafficking of narcotics from Afghanistan and its impact on the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of the PRC. May 31, 2010: Liao Xilong, director of the PLA General Logistics Department, meets visiting Deputy Minister of Defense Vera Chistova in Beijing. June 3-4, 2010: Foreign Minister Lavrov visits China. He meets President Hu, State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Foreign Minister Yang. June 4, 2010: DPRK border guards shoot dead three Chinese nationals and wound another suspected of illegally crossing the China-DPRK border for trade activities. June 8, 2010: China complains by raising “a solemn representation” with the DPRK regarding the killing of Chinese nationals on June 4. June 9-12, 2010: Gen. Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of general staff of the Chinese PLA, and Lt. Gen. Lichiyak, deputy chief of general staff and director of Main Directorate for Operations of the General Staff Headquarters of the Russian armed forces, jointly preside over the 13th round of strategic consultation in Moscow. China-Russia Relations 147 July 2010 China-Russia Relations 148 July 2010 June 10-11, 2010: The 10th annual SCO Summit is held in Tashkent. June 22, 2010: Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Yuri Trutnev and Minister of Environmental Protection Zhou Shengxian sign a protocol on cooperation in the environmental protection and trans-boundary water resources. June 23-Aug. 2, 2010: RIMPAC 2010 is held in the waters off Hawaii. June 26, 2010: Presidents Hu and Medvedev meet on the sidelines of a G20 Summit in Toronto. June 28-July 9, 2010: Russian military conduct a series of drills in the Sea of Japan as part of the Vostok 2010 strategic exercises in Russia’s Far East. June 26-29, 2010: Russian and Chinese Deputy Foreign Ministers Alexei Borodavkin and Cheng Guoping, meet in Moscow to discuss Kyrgyzstan issue.