CIAO DATE: 11/2008
A publication of:
Cultures & Conflits
In France as in Brazil, violence and its modes of usage are thesubject of vivid and intense debates. The acts of violence inquestion have, however, little in common. The authors of this newissue of Cultures & Conflits propose to examine the terms of thesedebates that feature and combine in complex shapes myths of nationaldemocracies, media representations, and the (in)abilities of thestate to effectively regulate the social sphere. These Franco-Brazilian dialogues on violence and democracy are part of a largercultural exchange linking since long Latin America and Europe - as Glauber Rocha and Roberto Rossellini remind us. An asymetricexchange, if any, marked by the feeling of being perpetually trappedin an unfinished development. This has, however, never prevented themto show significant inventive capacities, .Confllictual dialogue, useful when the (re)discovery of self isdeveloped through the mirror of the other.
En France comme au Brésil, la violence et ses modes de traitement sont l'objet de débats vifs et intenses. Les actes de violence mis en cause n'ont toutefois que peu de chose en commun. Les auteurs de ce nouveau numéro se proposent ici d'examiner les termes respectifs de ces débats qui mettent en scène et combinent, sous des formes complexes, des mythes nationaux démocratiques, des représentations médiatiques et des (in)aptitudes de l'Etat à rendre effectifs des mécanismes de régulation de la vie sociale.