CIAO DATE: 04/2011
Volume: 5, Issue: 1
Winter 2011
Cover (PDF)
Wake Up, Washington! (PDF)
Eric Farnsworth
While Washington sleeps, the U.S. is losing the battle for Latin America's markets.
Shannon O'Neil, Dóra Beszterczey
The best crime-fighting strategy? Improve economic opportunities for all.
Ask the Experts: Market Access and Free Trade
Ron Kirk, Samuel Dyer, Peter Van Loan, Robert Lawrence
How can we move forward with trade liberalization?
Carlos Ignacio Rojas, Alejandro Vera
The merger of the Colombian, Chilean and Peruvian stock exchanges is a milestone for hemisphere finance-and a sign of renewed economic confidence.
Taking Youth to Market (PDF)
Matthew Aho, Richard André
How to meet the challenge of youth unemployment and under-employment in the hemisphere.
Steven Samford
Helping small artisanal producers compete on the global market is essential to reducing inequality.
Latin America's Middle Income Trap
Eva Paus
Economic success has left many countries unable to compete with either low-wage exporters or high-tech producers.
Albert Fishlow
The post-Lula, or Dilma, era promises both change and continuity.
Carlos Labarthe, Carlos Danel
The microfinance industry has helped millions of poor entrepreneurs gain access to capital for the first time. Where does it go from here?
How to Protect and Defend Free Trade
Jose Guilherme Reis, Thomas Farole
If recession-wary governments succumb to protectionism, a decade of growth could be reversed. Here's how to keep the momentum going.
Middle Classes, Education and Mobility
Florencia Torche, Luis Felipe Lópex-Calva
Entering, and staying in, Latin America's growing middle class isn't easy.
Ryan Berger
Canada looks beyond NAFTA toward a giant free-trade deal with the European Union.
Cuba's released political prisoners in Spain
Tábata Peregrín
Environment: Climate Finance in Latin America
Bryce Rudyk
Energy: Central America's Power Future
Jorge Mercado
Mining: The U.S. Gets Tough on Safety
Kray Luxbacher
Latin America's Cold War by Hal Brands
Tom Farer
Operación Primicia: El ataque de Montoneros que provocó el golpe de 1976 by Ceferino Reato
Janie Hulse
Paulo Sotero