CIAO DATE: 05/2008
Volume: 3, Issue: 1
January - March, 2008
Legal Responses to Jihadist Terrorism. The Germany's Example (PDF)
Miguel Ángel Cano
El terrorismo transnacional ha colocado a la lucha antiterrorista desarrollada a nivel nacional e internacional ante de una serie de problemas y retos realmente impensables en las décadas de 1970-1980. Un ejemplo paradigmático lo constituye sin duda Alemania, país que ha vivido en primera persona la transición de un terrorismo de carácter doméstico (RAF) a otro de carácter transnacional (yihadismo). En el presente trabajo se analizan tanto las medidas legislativas aprobadas en el país germano desde los atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001, como las actuales iniciativas legislativas que el vigente Gobierno de coalición ha impulsado con el fin de hacer más efectiva si cabe la lucha contra esta amenaza global que supone el terrorismo de base yihadista.
Transnational terrorism has put the fight against terrorism carried out at a national and an international level before a variety of problems and challenges unthinkable in the 1970s and 1980s. A paradigmatic example is undoubtedly Germany. This country has suffered first-handedly the transition from a domestic terrorism (RAF) to another terrorism that is transnational in nature (jihadism). This paper offers an analysis both of the legislative measures adopted in Germany since the attacks of September 11, 2001, and of the current legislative initiatives that the present Coalition government has initiated in order to more effectively counteract this global threat that the jihadist terrorism represents.
Information Operations during Counterinsurgency Operations: Essential Option for a Limited Response (PDF)
Raimundo Rodríguez Roca
The importance of Information in the XXI century has become a fact that nobody can deny. The relevant role of the Information in societies can be observed as well during the development of conflicts where western forces participate. That is one of the reasons why controlling information flow arises as a significant requirement.
The purpose of this article is to present a theory of operational and tactical information operations (IO) employment, as limited and non-lethal effects during counterinsurgency operations (COIN), with an important role to support area control. Firstly, this study will mainly focus on four integrating elements of IO: psychological operations (PSYOPS), civil-military operations (CMO), public affairs (PA) and computer network operations (CNO). Secondly, a practical case of IO execution will be simulated and a concept of operation will be developed.
It should be noted that the approach presented herein is from a Spanish Army perspective. As we will appreciate in this article, the knowledge and managing of IO and the employment of CNO as a tool to empower PSYOPS, CMO and PA activities is of extreme significance and it will become essential to understand and to face the scenes of future conflicts and new wars.
Javier Ruiz Arévalo
En los últimos conflictos en los que han participado nuestras fuerzas armadas, han sido apoyados por civiles contratados; su número ha ido en aumento y no parece que esta tendencia vaya a invertirse. La presencia de este personal trabajando en estrecha relación con la fuerza militar, plantea una serie de problemas, relativos a la seguridad, que no están totalmente resueltos, ni en el caso español, ni en el de ejércitos de nuestro entorno. El primero de ellos, hace referencia a la seguridad de este personal y a la responsabilidad que el mando militar debe asumir en este campo. En segundo lugar, tampoco está claro cómo el mando militar puede hacer frente a la potencial amenaza a su seguridad que supone la presencia de estas personas; amenaza que puede ser directa, en forma de acciones hostiles contra la fuerza militar o indirecta, ya que un deficiente cumplimiento de sus misiones puede afectar negativamente a las operaciones militares.
Our forces have recently participated in a number of conflicts receiving support from contractors, whose number has gradually increased. A trend which does not seem likely to change. The presence of this personnel closely working with our military force poses a series of problems on security, which are not totally solved by any of the Western armies. The first concern is on this personnel protection, and the responsibility commanders should assume on this respect. Secondly, the military command does not know how to address the potential threat this personnel represents to our security. This threat can be direct -through hostile actions against the military force- or indirect -through a poor performance of their missions, which may negatively affect military operations.
The Effects of Suicide Attacks against Military Forces (PDF)
José Luis Calvo
Existen numerosas experiencias de radicalización yihadista en prisiones, algunas de elias también en España. Este artículo describe en primer lugar la situación de los internos de origen musulmán en las prisiones españolas. Seguidamente analiza los retos y las disfunciones que actualmente afronta el sistema penitenciario español. Se trata de puntos débiles que afectan a la relación entre internos yihadistas y presos comunes de origen musulmán, a la vigilancia y control de la vida cotidiana de los internos, de la posible difusión de documentos radicales dentro de las prisiones y de las comunicaciones entre el interior y exterior de los centros. En conjunto, se advierte la falta de un plan estratégico por parte de la Administración penitenciaria para la prevención de la radicalización yihadista.
There are many experiences of Jihadist radicalization in prisons, also in Spain. This article describes the status of Islam in Spanish prisons. Afterwards the article analyzes the challenges and inefficiencies that currently are facing the Spanish prison system. There are weaknesses that affect the relationship between domestic jihadists and common prisoners of Muslim origin, the prevention and control of the daily lives of inmates, radical documents inside the prisons and communication between the interior and exterior of the center. Overall is surprising the lack of a strategic plan by the Administration for the prevention of Jihadist radicalization in prisons.
Javier Jordán, Humberto Trujillo, Jose Antonio Gutiérrez
There are many experiences of jihadist radicalization in prisons, some of them also in Spain. This article first describes the situation of Muslim convicts in Spanish prisons. Following, it analyzes the challenges and inefficiencies that the Spanish penitentiary system is currently facing. These are weaknesses that affect the relationship between convict jihadists and common prisoners of Muslim origin, the prevention and control of the prisoners' daily lives, the diffusion of radical documents inside the prisons and the communication between the interior and exterior of the center. Overall, it is noticeable the lack of a strategic plan from the penitentiary Administration for the prevention of jihadist radicalization.