Mexico and the WTO: A Regional Player in Multilateral Trade NegotiationsAntonio Ortiz Mena
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE)
This working paper assesses the impact of the Uruguay Round Agreements of multilateral trade negotiation (MTN) on Mexico and determines the priorities of business and government for an upcoming round of MTN. It draws on secondary sources as well as interviews with business organizations representing Mexico' most important export industries and import-competing sectors. It proceeds as follows: the first section gives an overview of trade polity reforms since 1982; section two covers Mexico's regional trade agreements with special emphasis on the North American Free Trade Agreement; the third section provides and outline of Mexico's current trade policies; the fourth section consists of an assessment of the costs and benefits of Mexico's current World Trade Organization commitments' the fifth sections sets out the views of government and business on a new round of MTN; and the sixth section concludes.
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