Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project
John F. Kennedy School of Government

The Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project works to catalyze support for three great transformations underway in Russia, Ukraine and the other republics of the former Soviet Union: to sustainable democracies, free market economies, and cooperative international relations. The Project seeks to understand Western stakes in these transformations, identify strategies for advancing Western interests, and encourage initiatives that increase the likelihood of success. It provides targeted intellectual and technical assistance to governments, international agencies, private institutions, and individuals seeking to facilitate these three great transformations.

Leaders of the democratic revolution in Russia and the republics are making decisions and taking actions every day that have a significant impact on the prospects for a successful transformation to democracy and a market economy. The Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project seeks to help them understand and apply fundamental lessons of international experience: central truths and successful models that have emerged from the test of experience in other democratic settings.

Working Papers

Strengthening Democratic Institutions Project working papers can be found in the Working Papers section of CIAO.


Title: Whither Russia
Date: September 1998

Title: Future Prospects for the Eurasian Corridor
Date: April 1998

Title: The Caucasus and the Caspian: 1996–1998 Seminar Series
Date: March 1998

Title: The Russian Election Compendium: 1995–1996
Date: March 1997

Title: The Search for Peace in Chechnya: A Sourcebook 1994–1996
Date: March 1997

Title: The Caucausus and the Caspian
Date: 1996 Seminar Series