Military Spending: The U.S. and the World

Chart of Military Budgets
"Allies" refers to the NATO countries, Australia Japan and South Korea; "Rogues" refers to Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.


Selected Countries Military Budget
United States $396.1 Billion
Russia* $60.0
China* $42.0
Japan $40.4
United Kingdom $34.0
Saudi Arabia $27.2
France $25.3
Germany $21.0
Brazil* $17.9
India $15.6
Italy $15.5
South Korea $11.8
Iran $9.1
Israel $9.0
Taiwan $8.2
Canada $7.7
Spain $6.9
Australia $6.6
Netherlands $5.6
Turkey $5.1
Singapore $4.3
Sweden $4.2
United Arab Emirates* $3.9
Poland $3.7
Greece $3.3
Argentina* $3.1
Pakistan $2.6
Norway $2.8
Kuwait $2.6
Denmark $2.4
Belgium $2.2
Colombia $2.1
Egypt $2.1
Vietnam $1.8
Iraq $1.4
North Korea $1.3
Portugal $1.3
Libya $1.2
Czech Republic $1.1
Philippines $1.1
Luxembourg $0.9
Hungary $0.8
Syria $0.8
Cuba $0.7
Sudan $0.6
Yugoslavia $0.5