All Resources: The Development of the European UnionLucy Lyons and Hendrik SpruytWeb sites of maps and resources relevant to the European Union and its development
Archives- Historical Archives of the European Communities:
"Eurhistar" - This is the catalog of the archive collection of the European University Institute, in Florence, Italy. It includes bibliographic references (not the actual documents) to official works by such institutions as the EEC, the European Communities Economic and Social Committee, the European Coal and Steel Community, and the European Parliament.
Common Agricultural Policy (CAP):
Type in Common Agricultural Policy in search line to retrieve: Summary description of the CAP; Britain and Agricultural Policy; How CAP Works; The Effect of CAP on Exports of Meat and Livestock; Cost of CAP- a description of how monies are raised from member states, etc.
Contains information about the structure and history of the Council, its 40 members, its work with the EU, and its main activities. Archive selections include deposits from the European Conventions and Agreements and the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter.
Council of the European Union: European Union Presidency:
Court of Justice of the European Communities:
Documentation Centres:
Representations in Member States, in third countries:
Information Society Project Office (ISPO):
Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS):Delegation of the European Commission to the United States:
This is the site for the EU embassy in Washington. The "A to Z Index of EU Websites" is particularly useful. Also includes: EU Basics, EU Law and Policy, Member Countries, EU Offices and Services in the US, Research Tools, etc.
Directory, Interinstitutional-- Who's who in the European Union:
Enlargement- Enlargement of the EU:
Includes reports of the Enlargement Commission for each of the candidate countries, Draft Accession Partnerships, as well as other documents.
Enlargement of the European Union:
This is a paper prepared by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office in February 1999. It contains basic information on expansion, on the process of accession, and on countries seeking to join the Union. (pdf format; Adobe Acrobat Reader required)
The official site of the European Union. Includes information on the institutions and bodies of the EU, current events, documents, policies, and answers to questions. Also contains a section devoted to the Euro, accompanied by pictures of the currency. Agencies and bodies related to the Commission include...
Agencies and Bodies (E.M.E.A., EEA, CEDEFOP, etc.):
Database on Inter-Institutional Procedures:
European Continuous Tracking Survey (CTS)
European Environment Information and Observation NETwork:
Information services:
Joint Research Centres:
RAPID - the Spokesman's Service of the European Commission:
Statistical Office of the European Communities:
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union:European Community Studies Association:
A site for EU studies composed by the US organization. Includes helpful links to resources.Information Offices:
Political Groups:
Links to other Parliaments:European University Institute, Firenze:
Foreign Policy- European Foreign Policy Bulletin Online:
Published by the Academy of European Law, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. This contains full-text official EU documents related to foreign policy from 1985 to the present. Includes declarations of the European Council and replies to oral and written questions in the Parliament as well as treaty texts.
Glossary of Terms- A to Z of European Terms and Acronyms: Glossary of EU Terms and Acronyms:
Provides definitions and descriptions of acronyms, initiatives, institutions, policies, and various terms used in the EU. Includes cross references within an alphabetical listing.
History- History of European Integration:
Includes primary source, historical documents (though some links go to the official EU site). Also includes archives, histories, bibliographies, oral histories, statistical sources, timelines, and institutions.
History of the European Union:
Based on the General Report on the Activities of the European Union, includes a chronology covering 1946 to the present of the important accomplishments of the EU and its institutions.
This is a guide to resources relevant to the study of European Integration. Covers economic, political and social integration within the EU. Also features "The European Integration online Papers (EIoP): the first interdisciplinary, fully peer-reviewed online working paper series in the field of European integration research" and "The European Research Papers Archive (ERPA): the common access point and database with full text and keyword search-engine for a number of online working-paper series."
Law-Guide to European Legal Databases:
This article provides information on finding, through the Internet, legal resources in Europe, including European Union law. It is organized by country and by topic (e.g., constitutions).
Local and Regional Authorities of Europe, Congress of:
Maps- Comité Européen des Responsables de la Cartographie (CERCO):
An effort to unify national mapping efforts for the benefit of the entire EU.
Map of current and possible future EU member states. "In the future, you will be able to click on each of the 13 candidate countries to access political, economic and statistical data on them, as well as overviews of accession negotiations and their negotiation positions" (8/00).
European Umbrella Organization for Geographic Information (EUROGI):
Commissioned by the EU "to develop a unified European approach to the use of geographic technologies.
On the simple map, click on the desired flag to connect to another site which includes country maps.
European Union Map Resources on the Web:
Under "Individual Country Sites," provides descriptions of home pages of national mapping agencies per EU member. Most, though not all, include actual maps.
Online (mostly CIA) maps from the Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection of the University of Texas. Listed by country. Historical and recent maps.
What is the European Union? 15 Member States and Maps: http://europa.eu.int/en/eu/states.htmProvides a basic map for each separately listed member state.
World Factbook (Central Intelligence Agency):
Provides country information and maps for all countries of the world.
Municipalities and Regions, Council of European:
NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization:
NATO and European Integration:
Includes historical information on "European Economic Recovery and European Integration"; "American Military Involvement in Western European Reconstruction and Security"; "The Western European Union and the Origin of the Atlantic Alliance"; and "Drafting the North Atlantic Treaty, October-December 1948."
News-EurActiv Portal on EU Affairs: News and policy positions of EU actors.
The United Kingdom Offices of the European Commission publishes The Week In Europe every Thursday. It provides a summary of political, economic, and social events in the European Union. The articles are full-text and cover from January 1996 to the present.
OECD, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development:
Publications- Office for Publications-- EUR-OP: http://eur-op.eu.int
Eudor - European Document Delivery Service:
Official Journal, Treaties, Legislation - EUR-
Lex:Regions of the European Union, Committee of the:
Research-Euroguide to the European Union:
Acts as a browser to web sites. Contains 60 subject headings for finding authoritative web sources about the EU.
- European Atomic Energy Community, Treaty establishing the ("Treaty of Rome"; signed in Rome on 25 March 1957)
- European Coal and Steel Community, Treaty establishing the ("Treaty of Paris"; signed in Paris on 18 April 1951)
- European Community, Treaty establishing the ("Treaty of Rome"; signed in Rome on 25 March 1957)
- European Union, Treaty on (signed in Maastricht on 7 February 1992)
Consolidated versions incorporating the changes made by the Treaty of Amsterdam, signed on 2 October 1997:
- European Community, Treaty establishing the (PDF format). Official Journal, C 340, 10.11.1997, pp. 173-308.
- European Union, Treaty on (PDF format). Official Journal, C 340, 10.11.1997, pp. 145-172.
A comprehensive guide to the Treaty of Amsterdam. Contains background information, analysis of its impact on issues such as human rights and international security.
Archer, Clive. Organizing Western Europe. London: Edward Arnold, 1990.
Burley, Anne-Marie and Mattli, Walter. "Europe Before the Court: A Political Theory of Regional Integration." International Organization, 1993, 47 (1), pp. 41-76
Dinan, Desmond. Ever Closer Union. Boulder (CO): Lynne Riener, 1999.
Garrett, Geoffrey, and Weingast, Barry, "Ideas, Interests, and Institutions: Constructing the European Community's Internal Market," in Judith Goldstein and Robert Keohane, eds., Ideas and Foreign Policy: Beliefs, Institutions, and Political Change. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press, 1993. pp. 173-206.
George, Stephen. Politics and Policy in the European Community. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Grieco, Joseph. "The Maastricht Treaty, Economic and Monetary Union and the Neo-Realist Research Programme." Review of International Studies, 1995, 21, pp.21-40
Haas, Ernst. The Uniting of Europe. Stanford (CA): Stanford University Press, 1958.
Harrop, Jeffrey. The Political Economy of Integration in the European Community. Hants (UK): Edward Elgar, 1989.
Keohane, Robert. After Hegemony. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.
Lodge, Juliet, ed., The European Community and the Challenge of the Future. London: Pinter, 1989.
Mattli, Walter. The Logic of Regional Integration. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
McNamara, Kathleen. The Currency of Ideas. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press, 1998.
Moravcsik. Andrew. The Choice for Europe. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press, 1998.
Nelsen, Brent and Stubb, Alexander, eds., The European Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration. Boulder (CO): Lynne Rienner, 1994.
Nugent, Neil. The Government and Politics of the European Community. Durham (NC): Duke University Press, 1991.
Pollack, Mark. "Delegation, Agency, and Agenda Setting in the European Community." International Organization, 1997, 51 (1), pp. 99-134.
Sandholtz, Wayne and Zysman, John. "1992: Recasting the European Bargain." World Politics, 1989, 42 (1), pp. 95-128.
Sandholtz, Wayne. "Choosing Union: Monetary Politics and Maastricht." International Organization, 1993, 47 (1), pp. 1-40.