Columbia International Affairs Online: Books

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights


Since 1978, the Lawyers Committee for Human Rights has worked to protect and promote fundamental human rights. Its work is impartial, holding all governments accountable to the standards affirmed in the International Bill of Human Rights. Its programs focus on building the legal institutions and structures that will guarantee human rights in the long term. Strengthening independent human rights advocacy at the local level is a key feature of its work.

The Committee also seeks to influence the U.S. government to promote the rule of law in both its foreign and domestic policy, and presses for greater integration of human rights into the work of the UN and the World Bank. The Committee works to protect refugees through the representation of asylum seekers and by challenging legal restrictions on the rights of refugees in the United States and around the world.

Additional Materials from Lawyers Committee for Human Rights: Working Papers


Title: Assessing the New Normal: Liberty and Security for the Post-September 11 United States
Date: January 2003

Title: Lawyers in China: Obstacles to Independence and the Defense of Rights
Date: April 1998

Title: Opening to Reform? An Analysis of China's Revised Criminal Procedure Law
Date: January 1997

Title: Islam and Justice: Debating the Future of Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa
Date: January 1997

Title: Halfway to Reform: The World Bank and the Venezuelan Justice System
Date: August 1996