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China's Transition, by Andrew J. Nathan

Tables and Figures

Table 8.1 Lowest Winning Vote in Territorial Districts, 1992 Legislative Yuan Elections 114
Table 11.1 Estimated Degree of Impact of the Local Government on Daily Life, by Nation 156
Table 11.2 Estimated Degree of Impact of the National Government on Daily Life, by Nation 156
Table 11.3 Educational Differences in the Perceived Impact of the National Government, by Nation 159
Table 11.4 Internal Efficacy 162
Table 11.5 Understanding of National-Level, Local, and Unit Affairs 162
Table 11.6 Understanding of National-Level Affairs 163
Table 11.7 Understanding of Local Affairs 163
Table 11.8 Expectation of Treatment by Governmental Bureaucracy, by Nation 164
Figure 11.1 Perceived Impact of National and Local Government and Neighborhood or Village Committee on Daily Life by Type of Household Registration 157
Figure 11.2 Perceived Impact of Government 158
Figure 11.3 Expectation of Equal Treatment by Government Authorities, by Education 165
Figure 11.4 Political Tolerance 168
Figure 11.5 Tolerance for Speaking at Meeting, by Education and Country 169
Figure 11.6 Illiteracy Rates, by Gender and Age Group 170
Table 12.1 Attitudes Toward Government Handling of Issues 182
Table 12.2 Factor Analysis of Issue Priority 185
Table 12.3 Correlations Between Respondents' Attributes and Issue Agendas 187
Table 12.4 Multiple Regression Analysis of Respondents' Attributes on Issue Agendas 188
Table 12.5 Opinions on Democracy 191
Table 12.6 Social Attitudes 192
Table 12.7 Attitudes Toward Due Process 192
Table 12.8 Correlations Between Respondents' Attributes and Degree of Democratism 193
Table 12.9 Multiple Regression Analysis of Respondents' Attributes and Degree of Democratism 194

NOTE ON ROMANIZATION: I use the pinyin Romanization system when writing about mainland China and modified Wade-Giles when writing about Taiwan, because each is familiar in that context.

China's Transition