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Ethnopolitics in the New Europe, by John T. Ishiyama and Marijke Breuning


Acronyms and Abbreviations


AP Agrarian Party
BAPU Bulgarian Agrarian Peoples’ Union
BBB Bulgarian Business Bloc
BNS Baltic News Service
BSP Bulgarian Socialist Party
BTA Bulgarian Telegraphic Agency
CC Common Choice
CDM Christian Democratic Movement (Slovak)
CDNI Committee for the Defense of National Interests
CMEA Council of Mutual Economic Assistance
CPCS Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
CPE Communist Party of Estonia
CPL Communist Party of Latvia
CPSU Communist Party of the Soviet Union
CSA Campaign for a Scottish Assembly
CVP Catholieke Volkspartij (Christian People’s Party)
DU Democratic Union
EC European Community
ENIP Estonian National Independence Party
EU European Union
FBIS-EEU Foreign Broadcast Information Service-Eastern Europe
FBIS-SOV Foreign Broadcast Information Service-Soviet Union
FDF Front Démocratique des Francophones Bruxellois
FPL Fatherland Party of Labor
GDP gross domestic product
HC Hungarian Coalition (Madyardska Koalicio)
HCDM Hungarian Christian Democratic Movement
HCP Hungarian Civic Party (previously called Hungarian Independent Initiative)
HPP Hungarian Peoples Party
LNCP Latvian National Conservative Party
LNIM Latvian National Independence Movement
MDS Movement for a Democratic Slovakia
MP Member of Parliament
MRF Movement for Rights and Freedoms (Bulgarian party)
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NPS National Party of Scotland
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OSM Orkney and Shetland Movement
OSTK Ob’edinennyi sovet trudovykh kollektivov (United Council of Labor Collectives)
PAV Public Against Violence
PDL Party of the Democratic Left
PFE Popular Front of Estonia
PR proportional representation
PRF Party for Rights and Freedoms
PRL Parti Réformateur Libéral (Liberal Reform Party)
PSC Parti Social Chrétien (Christian Social Party)
PU Peoples Union
PVV Partij voor Vrijheid en Vooruitgang (Party for Freedom and Progress)
RAD/UDRT    Respect voor Arbeid en Democratie/Union pour la Démocratie et la Respect du Travail
SP Scottish Party
SSDP Slovak Social Democratic Party
SWA Slovak Workers Association
SZDMS Socialny a Demokraticky Zvaz Mad’arov na Slovensku (Social and Democratic Union of Hungarians in Slovakia)
TDP Turkish Democratic Party
UDF Union of Democratic Forces
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
VLD Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten (Flemish Liberals and Democrats)
VNV Vlaamsch Nationaal Verbond (Flemish National Union)
(formerly Verbond van Dietsche Nationaal-Solidaristen Verdinaso; League of Dutch-Speaking National Solidarists)


Ethnopolitics in the New Europe