CIAO DATE: 10/2010
February 2009
Table of Contents
Ethics & International Affairs: A Reader, Third Edition
Edited by Joel H. Rosenthal, Christian Barry
Part One: Conflict and Reconciliation
1. In Defense of Realism: A Commentary on Just and Unjust Wars
David C. Hendrickson
2. The Slippery Slope to Preventive War
Neta C. Crawford
3. Reckoning with Past Wrongs: A Normative Framework
David A. Crocker
Part Two: Grounds for Intervention
4. Humanitarian Intervention: An Overview of the Ethical Issues
Michael J. Smith
5. The Moral Basis of Humanitarian Intervention
Terry Nardin
6. Responsibility to Protect or Trojan Horse?: The Crisis in Darfur and Humanitarian Intervention after Iraq
Alex J. Bellamy
7. Ecological Intervention: Prospects and Limits
Robyn Eckersley
Part Three: Governance, Law, and Membership
8. The Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions
Allen Buchanan and Robert O. Keohane
9. On the Alleged Conflict between Democracy and International Law
Seyla Benhabib
10. "Saving Amina": Global Justice for Women and Intercultural Dialogue
Alison M. Jaggar
11. Who Should Get In? The Ethics of Immigration Admissions
Joseph H. Carens
Part Four: Global Economic Justice
12. Models of International Economic Justice
Ethan B. Kapstein
13. The Invisible Hand of the American Empire
Robert Wade
14. Accountability in International Development Aid
Leif Wenar
15. World Poverty and Human Rights
Thomas Pogge
16. Do We Owe the Global Poor Assistance or Rectification?: Response to Pogge
Mathias Risse
17. Baselines for Determining Harm: Reply to Risse
Thomas Pogge
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