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Women, the State, and Political Liberalization: Middle Eastern and North African Experiences

Laurie A. Brand

Columbia University Press




Books in English and French

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Articles, Chapters, and Monographs in English and French

Ahnaf, M. “Tunisie: un débat sur les rapports Etat/Religion.” Maghreb-Machrek, no. 126. Octobre-Decembre 1989): 93–108.

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______ “ ‘In the Beginning Was the State. . .’: The Quest for Civil Society in Jordan.” In R. Augustus Norton, ed. Civil Society in the Middle East. Leiden: Brill, 1995, pp. 148–185.

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Books and Articles in Arabic

al-‘Awd, Karim . “Wad‘ al-Mar’ah w-al-‘Amal al-Siyasi b-il-Maghrib.” For the Diplome at the Royal Institute li-Takwin al-Utur.” Rabat, 1991.

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Journals and Periodicals

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Annuaire de l’Afrique du Nord

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Unpublished Materials

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